Hi Guys,
I don’t know if any of you are Blender users. Well I am and I thought I would have a look at what the new Blender had to offer.
On the face of it the usual wonderful changes where here but when I was about to close Blender I was presented with this message.
I cant tell you how good this is for Blender! However if you are new to this software.
In the past this was not even an option if you had made changes and you did not save the program would just close with no alert that you were going to loose your changes. All your work gone!
I don’t usually remark on features in software as there are far more qualified websites out there. However the fact that someone finally put this in is great news for the users of the program.
Now I will finally be able to say… ‘Back in my day programs did not care if you had not saved your work”